Tianjin EKun International Trade Co., Ltd
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About Us

Company Slogan: EKun braves the wind and the waves with every customer, then have a bright future.

Company Profile: Tianjin EKun International Trade Co., Ltd is a comprehensive enterprise, including trade, produce, process, delivery and inventory. The factory is located in Daqiuzhuang industrial area, Jinghai Direct, Tianjin. It close to the Tianjin Port. EKun international trade Co., Ltd takes responsibility to the steel export. Major products are PV supporting bracket, SSAW steel pipe, SMLS steel pipe, LSAW steel pipe, etc,. The company is located in Huayuan productive area, Xiqing Direct, close to the Huayuan metro station, transportation is convenient.

Company Service: We do not distinguish customers with the size of order, ekun every employee services customer in thoughtful and warm attitude,including providing quotation, to solve customer doubts and other problems, regardless of the size of the order and whether the final order.

Company Team: The company has a complete operation system, including sales department, accounting department, quality control department, purchase department, documentation department.  From order generation to final shipment, all departments work together to ensure every step.